Job Title Auto Parts Sales Representative Job Brief – European Auto Parts Specialist Import Auto Parts Sales Representative Automotive Parts Advisor European Car Parts Specialist Import Vehicle Parts Consultant Job Location: 4320 Montana Ave Suite B El Paso APPLICATION FOR EMPLOYMENT We consider applicants for all positions without regard to race, color, religion, creed, gender, national origin, age, disability, marital or veteran status, or any other legally protected status. Position(s) Applied For Date of Application How Did You Learn About Us? Advertisement Employment Agency Friend Relative Inquiry Other Last Name * Please enter Last Name First Name * Please enter First Name Address * Please enter Address Middle Name * Please enter Middle Name Telephone Number * Please enter Telephone Number Email * Please enter Email Best time to contact you at home is: * Please enter Best Time to Contact If you are under 18 years of age, can you provide required proof of your eligibility to work? * Yes No Please select if you can provide proof Have you ever filed an application with us before? * Yes No Please select if you have filed an application before If Yes, give date * Please provide a valid date Have you ever been employed with us before? * Yes No Please select if you have been employed before If Yes, give date * Please provide a valid date Do any of your friends or relatives, other than spouse, work here? * Yes No Please select if friends/relatives work here If Yes, state name, relationship and location * Please provide details Are you currently employed? * Yes No Please select if you are currently employed May we contact your present employer? * Yes No Please select if we can contact your current employer Are you prevented from lawfully becoming employed in this country because of Visa or Immigration Status? * Yes No Please select your eligibility status Date available for work * Please select your available date What is your desired salary range? * Please enter desired salary Are you available to work: Full-Time Part-Time Temporary Please select your availability Please indicate shift * Morning Afternoon Evening Please select a shift preference Are you currently on \"lay-off\'\' status and subject to recall? * Yes No Please select if you are on lay-off status EDUCATION Please give all Education, including: Name and Address of School, Course of Study, Years Completed, and Diploma/Degree Please enter Education details WORK EXPERIENCE Start with your present or last job. Include any job-related military service assignments and volunteer activities. You may exclude organizations which indicate race, color, religion, gender national origin, disabilities or other protected status. Employer 1 Address Telephone Starting/Present Job Title Supervisor Reason for Leaving Date Employed Hourly Rate/Salary Work Performed May We Contact? Yes No Employer 2 Address Telephone Number Starting Present Job Title Supervisor Reason For Leaving Dates Employed Hourly Rate/Salary Work Performed May We Contact? Yes No Employer 3 Address Telephone Number Starting/Present Job Title Supervisor Reason for Leaving Dates Employed Hourly Rate/Salary Work Performed May We Contact? Comments: Include explanation of any gaps in employment. Describe any job-related training received in the United States military. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Other Qualifications Summarize special job-related skills and qualifications acquired from employment or other experience. SPECIALIZED SKILLS (Skills/Equipment Operated) Terminal PC/MAC Typewriter Spreadsheet Word Processing Other If Other (list) Note to Applicants: DO NOT ANSWER THIS QUESTION UNLESS YOU HAVE BEEN INFORMED ABOUT THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE JOB FOR WHICH YOU ARE APPLYING. Are you capable of performing in a reasonable manner, with or without a reasonable accommodation, the activities involved in the job or occupation for which you have applied? A review of the activities involved in such a job or occupation has been given. Yes No Personal/Professional References Name 1 Phone Best Time to Call Occupation Personal/Professional References Name 2 Phone Best Time to Call Occupation-2 Personal/Professional References Name 3 Phone Best Time to Call Occupation-3 Check the types of vehicles you are qualified, through experience, to operate Passenger Car Light Truck Heavy Truck or Tractor Other Driver's License No State Expires Ever Suspended or revoked? Yes No Do you operate an automobile? Yes No If yes, give make and Year Do you have auto insurance? Yes No Has it ever been cancelled or renewal refused? Yes No How many convictions for moving violations within past 3 years? Thank you for filling out the Southwest Imports Auto Parts Sales Representative Application Form. There are some errors while sending application form, please try again later.